Surname List
Name Index


  1. IGI.
  2. Death card, {RC ref OS1. Death card}.
  3. Copy of a Birth Document. RC ref BS1. dated 23 Jul 1928 by a priest in the parish of Neuwied. Father: Georg Somnitz. Mother: Adelheid, nee Klein.
  4. Marriage for Registration in the Army. RC ref MPS1a; MPS1b: Earnest Edward Gawthorn, Captain RE, informs that marriage has taken place in Standesamp, Siegburg A/R, dated 17 Nov 1921. Rites and Ceremonies of German Civil law by Registrars Certificate recorded in Marriage Register as No 220. Officer registering marriage, F Turner, Captain RE, dated 19 Nov 1921. RHRP: aged 30; A/L/Sergt living at GHQ British Army of the Rhein (Cologne). Father: Richard Hooper Ross Philp, Builder. HS: aged 23; living at 50, Gartenstrasse, Siegburg A/R. Father: George (e added), Tinsmith. Witnesses: EE Gawthorn, Captain RE: G Somnitz.
  5. Certified Copy of an Entry Of Birth.
  6. FBMD, Dec q 1891 St. Saviour 1d 43.
  7. 1901 online, 1901 Census, 1901 RG13/1264 34 2 s 12.
  8. Certified Copy of an Entry Of Birth. RC ref BP3. Cert S.R. 60019 entry 93. dated 14 Sep 1921, signed by ? Original signed by TH Baker, Registrar. Born at 301, Weston Street, Southwark, London. S-D of Kent Road, RD St. Saviour London, in the County of London. Father: Richard Hooper Ross Philp, Omnibus Conductor. Mother: Margaret Philp, formerly Gardiner, living at 301, Weston Street, Southwark, Registered Birth on 13 Dec 1891.
  9. Baptism Certificate. RC ref CP1. Cert page 112. dated 14 Oct 1921, signed by F Moulder, Verger. RHRP Baptised in Saint Mary Magdalene, Diocese of Southwark, in the County of London, by A Carson, Curate. Parents: Richard Hooper Ross and Margaret Philp, living at 301 Weston Street. He was a Bus Conductor. Date of Birth given as 8 Nov 1891.
  10. Soldiers' Service and Pay Book, {SSPB}.