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- G und T. RC ref BS2/CS1. dated 22 Jul 1928 by Morchen?
Bistum Trier, Neuwied.
Father: Andreas Somnitz, Burger? and ?
Mother: Maria Katharina nee Warnbach?.
- Ibid., RC ref BS2/CS1. dated 22 July 1928 by Morchen?
Father: Andreas Somnitz, Burger? and ?
Mother: Maria Katharina nee Warnbach?.
- Copy of a Birth Document. RC ref BS1. dated 23 Jul 1928 by
a priest in the parish of Neuwied.
Father: Georg Somnitz.
Mother: Adelheid, nee Klein.
- Death card, {RC ref OS1. Death card}.
- Marriage for Registration in the Army. RC ref MPS1a; MPS1b:
Earnest Edward Gawthorn, Captain RE, informs that
marriage has taken place in Standesamp, Siegburg A/R, dated 17 Nov 1921.
Rites and Ceremonies of German Civil law by Registrars Certificate
recorded in Marriage Register as No 220.
Officer registering marriage, F Turner, Captain RE, dated 19 Nov 1921.
RHRP: aged 30; A/L/Sergt living at GHQ British Army of the Rhein (Cologne).
Father: Richard Hooper Ross Philp, Builder.
HS: aged 23; living at 50, Gartenstrasse, Siegburg A/R.
Father: George (e added), Tinsmith.
Witnesses: EE Gawthorn, Captain RE: G Somnitz.
- Certified Copy of an Entry Of Birth.
- FBMD, Dec q 1891 St. Saviour 1d 43.
- 1901 online, 1901 Census, 1901 RG13/1264 34 2 s 12.
- Certified Copy of an Entry Of Birth. RC ref BP3. Cert S.R.
60019 entry 93. dated 14 Sep 1921, signed by ?
Original signed by TH Baker, Registrar.
Born at 301, Weston Street, Southwark, London.
S-D of Kent Road, RD St. Saviour London, in the County of London.
Father: Richard Hooper Ross Philp, Omnibus Conductor.
Mother: Margaret Philp, formerly Gardiner, living at 301, Weston
Street, Southwark, Registered Birth on 13 Dec 1891.
- Baptism Certificate. RC ref CP1. Cert page 112. dated 14
Oct 1921, signed by F Moulder, Verger.
RHRP Baptised in Saint Mary Magdalene, Diocese of Southwark, in the County of
London, by A Carson, Curate.
Parents: Richard Hooper Ross and Margaret Philp, living at 301 Weston
Street. He was a Bus Conductor.
Date of Birth given as 8 Nov 1891.
- Soldiers' Service and Pay Book, {SSPB}.