Home Surname List Name Index Sources |
- VRI. {VRI FHL No 1596528 marriage of daughter Hannah
to GS COLLINGS in 1837}.
- IGI, {IGI} (FN 1761084, Rec. for Dec'd: Chr of daughter Hannah
in 1818: gives Fr. as John, and Mo. as Hannah).
- Powell, Nicola: various sources, inc. 1841, 1851, 1861 and
certificates. email extract from 1841 census.
- Bristol & Avon FHS.
- 1841 Census, {1841} HO 107 / 378 9 f 41 p 28.
- 1861 Census, {1861}(Hannah, wife, as Widow).
- IGI, {IGI}( Chr of daughter Hannah in 1818).
- 1861 Census, {1861}(Bristol St Philip's RG9/1736 f 90 p 25).
- 1841 Census, {1841}.
- 1861 Census, {1861}(Bristol St Philip's RG9/1736 f 90 p
25 128).
- IGI, IGI. Batch No C017167: 10 Jan 1808: Bristol, Gloucester.
- Powell, Nicola: various sources, inc. 1841, 1851, 1861 and
certificates. (email from Nicola Powell various sources).
- Bristol Family History Society, St Philip & St Jacob, Bristol
Baptism Index 1813 - 1837 by BFHS, {St P & J Baptism Index}( 2e, 174, 7).
- Ibid., {St P & J Baptism Index }(2e, 316, 575).
- Ibid.
- Ibid., {St P & J Baptism Index}(2f, 99, 789).
- IGI, IGI. Batch No. C044405: St Philip and St Jacob's, Bristol,
- B&AFHS, BRO P.St P and J/R/4/5 93 740.
- Bristol Family History Society, St Philip & St Jacob, Bristol
Baptism Index 1813 - 1837 by BFHS, {St P & J Baptism Index}(2f, 219, 1752].
- Ibid., {St P & J Baptism Index}(2g, 100, 799).
- IGI, {IGI; Fr John Harper; mo. Hannah: Film no. 1985392,
official temple rec. for deceased}.
- LDS, VRI, IGI LDS. Parents John Harper and Hannah: 14 May
1826: St Philip and Jacob, Bristol, Gloucestershire.
- IGI, {IGI; Fr John Harper; mo. Hannah: Film no. 1985392,
official temple rec. for dec'd}.
- Bristol Family History Society, St Philip & St Jacob, Bristol
Baptism Index 1813 - 1837 by BFHS, {St P & J Baptism Index}(2i, 22, 170).
- LDS, VRI, IGI LDS. 31 May 1829: St Phillip And St Jacob,
Bristol, Gloucester.
- Bristol Family History Society, St Philip & St Jacob, Bristol
Baptism Index 1813 - 1837 by BFHS, {St P & J Baptism Index}(2j, 251, 2007).
- Ibid., {St P & J Baptism Index}(2d, 209, 1668).
- IGI, IGI. Batch No. C042275: St Philip and St Jacob's. Bristol,
- 1861 Census, {1861}(Bristol St Philip's RG9/1736 f 90 p
25 129).
- IGI on CD, 1881 Census (transcript CD by IGI), {1881}(Bristol
St Philip & Jacob Out RG11 2501 f71 p38).
- IGI, {IGI}.
- Ibid., {IGI}(Batch No. C020858, unknown).
- Ibid., {IGI} (FN 1761084, Rec. for Dec'd; marriage of George
COLLINGS, gives his wife as Hannah HARPER, (and his Fr as GSC)).
- IGI on CD, 1881 Census (transcript CD by IGI), {1881 aged
64 and husband George Shepherd}.
- 1851 Census, {1851}.
- 1861 Census, {1861}.
- Bristol Family History Society, St Philip & St Jacob, Bristol
Baptism Index 1813 - 1837 by BFHS, {St P & J Baptism Index}(2e, 38, 284).
- IGI, {IGI} (Chr. FN 1761084, Rec. for Deceased: and Fr.
John, and Mo. Hannah).
- 1841 Census, (1841).
- LDS, VRI, IGI LDS. St Philip/Jacob, Bristol, Gloucester.
- 1851 Census, {1851}(---sch 91).
- Ibid., {1851}(---sch91).
- 1861 Census, {1861}(RG9/1736 f89? p24 127).
- IGI on CD, 1881 Census (transcript CD by IGI), {1881}.
- FBMD, FBMD Dec q 1898 aged 80 Barton R(egis) 6a 92.
- Howard Collings (poss Bible).
- IGI, {IGI} (SCN 1596528 Parish Register).
- Free BMD, District Clifton, Vol 11, page 313, Dec quarter
- LDS, VRI, {VRI FHL No 1596528 wife Hannah Harper, Fr George
Shepherd COLLINGS, Fr John HARPER}.
- Certified Copy of an Entry Of Marriage, {CCoaEoM}(RC ref
- LDS, VRI, {VRI} (marriage of daughter Elizabeth, FHL No
- IGI on CD, 1881 Census (transcript CD by IGI), {1881} (aged
67, born Bristol, wife Hannah).
- 1861 Census, {1861}(RG9/1736 f 89 ? p24 127).
- 1841 Census.
- Ibid., {1841} HO 107 / 378 9 f 40 p 26.
- 1851 Census, {1851}(---- sch 91).
- 1861 Census, {1861 census}(RG9/1736 f 89 ? p24 127).
- Ibid., {1861}(RG9/1736 F 89? p24 127).
- IGI on CD, 1881 Census (transcript CD by IGI), {1881}(RG11
2498 f127 p1).
- Ibid., {1881}(RG11 2498 f127 p1}.
- Free BMD, Dec q 1882 aged 68 Barton R 6a 83.
- 1851 Census, (1851).
- IGI, {IGI} (FN 1761083, Rec. for deceased).
- Ibid., {IGI} (FN 1903519, Rec. for deceased).
- LDS, VRI, {VRI marriage].
- 1861 Census, {1861}(RG9/1736 f 89? 127).
- Free BMD, Dec q 1879 aged 39 Barton R 6a 90.
- LDS, VRI, {VRI} (G aged 23: M aged 22: Fr George Shepherd
COLLINGS: Fr John SMOCKCOMBE. FHL no 1596529).
- IGI, {IGI} (SCN 1596529, Par. Reg.).
- LDS, VRI, {VRI FHL no 1596529}.
- 1871 Census (Ancestry).
- Free BMD, Mar q 1842 Clifton 11 303/5.
- IGI, {IGI} (FN 1904029, Rec. for deceased).
- Free BMD, Jun q 1867 Clifton 6a 119.
- Ibid., Dec q 1890 aged 23 Bristol 6a 9.
- IGI on web, 1881 Census (transcriptweb by IGI), {1881 web}(RG11
2452 / 9 11.
- Ibid., {1881 web}.
- Free BMD, poss Sep q 1846 Clifton 11 306.
- IGI, {IGI} (FN 1903625, Rec. for deceased).
- Free BMD, Mar q 1879 aged 32 Barton R 6a 99.
- Ibid., Mar q 1876 Bedminster 5c 979.
- Ibid., Sep q 1848 New Forest 8 11.
- Ibid., Jun q 1916 aged 68 Axbridge 5c 557.
- Certified Copy of an Entry Of Birth, {Birth document of
son Thomas James CROKER}.
- IGI, {IGI} (FN 1903646, Rec. for deceased).
- LDS, VRI, {VRI date 6 Oct 1852, St Philip and Jacob, Bristol}.
- CROKER (nee HOY), EBM, {EBMC(H) found a Note recording births
of Croker: Elizabeth as 19 Oct 1852}.
- 1861 Census, {1861}(RG9/1736 f 89? p24 s127).
- 1901 online, 1901 Census, RG13 / 2385 f 88 p 1 Sn 3.
- Certified Copy of an Entry Of Birth, {CCEoB of son, Thomas
- Free BMD, District Clifton, Vol 6a, page 227, Sept quarter
- CROKER (nee HOY), EBM, {EBM C(H)}.
- Certified Copy of an Entry Of Birth. RC ref BC9. Cert. No.
BXBZ 123121, AN PAS/53046/2001 dated 13 Feb 2001.
Original entry No. 264, dated 21 Dec 1851 at 13, Avon Street (Bristol), S-d St
Philip & Jacob, RD Clifton, in the City & County of Bristol.
Father: James Croker, Weaver.
Mother: Charlotte Croker, formerly Warr, living at 13 Avon Street, Bristol, notified
the Registrar (?EF/S Maj/yor?) on 29 Jan 1852 and made her mark.
We could not read Avon, but having seen 1851 census realise it reads Avon!!.
- IGI on CD, 1881 Census (transcript CD by IGI), {1881}(RG11
2501 ? 83 15).
- Copy of a Birth Document, {Birth document of son. Thomas
James Croker}.
- Certified Copy of an Entry Of Birth, {Birth document of
son, Thomas James}.
- Certified Copy of an Entry of Death, {CCoaEod}.
- 1891 Census, RG 12 1986 90 35.
- 1901 online, 1901 Census, {1901}.
- Ibid., RG 13 / 2385 f 88 p 1 Sn 3.
- Certified Copy of an Entry Of Marriage, {Son marriage cert}.
- CROKER, Thomas James, {TJC: left a note with his siblings
and parent's birthdays}.
- 1901 online, 1901 Census, RG 13 / 285 88 1 Sn 3.
- Free BMD, FBMD Dec q 1898 Barton R. 6a 159.
- IGI, {IGI} (FN 1903831, Rec. for deceased).
- Ibid., {IGI} (FN 1985264, Rec. for deceased).
- Free BMD, Dec q 1860 Clifton 6a 87.
- Ibid., Mar q 1880 Bristol 6a 53.
- Ibid., Possibly Mar q 1861 Bristol 6a 30.
- Ibid., Possibly Mar q 1907 aged 46 Bristol 6a 48.
- Ibid., Jan q 1877 Clifton 6a 151.
- 1837 online, Sep q 1962 aged 85 Weston 7c 232.
- Free BMD, Dec q 1900 Long Ashton 5c 1267.
- Ibid., Dec q 1901 Long Ashton 5c 544.
- 1837 online, Dec q 1916 aged 16 Bristol 6a 47.
- Free BMD, possibly Jun q 1906 Bristol 6a 14.
- 1837 online. Jun q 1961 84 Bridgwater 7c 91.
- CROKER (nee HOY), EBM, {EBMC (H)}.
- Free BMD. Dec q 1897 Barton Regis 6a 274.
- Ibid., Sep q 1878 Barton Regis 6a 60.
- Certified Copy of an Entry Of Birth. RC ref BC10. Cert
BXBZ 207219 dated 11 May 2001: AN: PASD404223/2001.
Original entry 12, RD Barton Regis, S-d St Philip and Jacob, in the City and
County of Bristol.
Thomas James CROKER, born 16 May 1890 at 1 Baileys Folly USD.
Father: Thomas CROKER, Floor Cloth Packer, of 1, Baileys Folly, Bristol,
Registered Birth on 25 June 1890 with Arthur (I) Hunt, Registrar.
Mother: Elizabeth CROKER, formerly COLLINGS.
- 1901 online, 1901 Census, RG 13 / 2385 88 1 Sn 3.
- Certified Copy of an Entry of Death. RC ref DC1. Cert JD
974590, entry 187, dated 24 Jun 1948, signed by R Preston, Registrar.
DATE ?? 26 Winchester Road, UD, S-D Bristol South, RD Bristol in the County Borough
of Bristol.
TJC aged 58, Retired Tobacco Worker. FT Croker, son, present at death,
who Registered death on 17 Jun 1948, with R Preston, Registrar.
- Certified Copy of an Entry Of Marriage. RC ref MCG2. Cert
A 557808 entry 399, dated Mar 23 1918, and signed by
Frederick Talbot? Parker? Vicar. (by Licence).
Parish Church, Knowle in the City of Bristol.
TJC: aged 27, Able Seaman R.N. living at 204 Bath Road.
Father: Thomas Croker, labourer.
LAG: aged 23 packer (? cigarettes), living at 22 Sandholme Road,
Father: Alfred Thomas Gill, Baker.
Witnesses: Alfred Thomas Gill (father): George Croker (brother).
Note:- Croker written as Crocker and amended.
- Certified Copy of a Register of Births. RC ref BG2. Cert
entry ? dated 15 Jun 1894 and signed by Arthur I? H???.
Saint Philip and Jacob, Barton Regis.
- 1911 Census, 1911 RG14PN14963 RG78PN905 RD319 SD5 ED17
- 1901 online, 1901 Census.
- 1911 Census.
- Certified Copy of an Entry of Death. RC ref DC2. Cert II
234095 entry 196, dated 23 Mar 1970 signed by KM Hendy, Registrar.
Canadian Red Cross Memorial Hospital, Taplow, S-d Burnham, Rd Eton in the County
of Buckingham. Certified by PB Havelock MRCS.
LAC: DoB as 8 May 1894, maiden name, Gill.
(son gave wrong date in error - was 4 May),
Widow of Thomas James Croker, she was a retired Cigarette Machine Operator, and
was living at 90 Belgrave Road, Slough.
Notified by son Frank Thomas Croker of 18, Thurston Road, Slough.
Cert Copy dated 03 Apr 1970 and signed by LE Bruce, Deputy Registrar.
- Free BMD, Free BMD: Ivy May, Jun quarter 1894, Barton R,
6a, p 145.
- Ibid., FBMD Jun q 1896 6a 160.
- Ibid., Sep q 1903 Bristol 6a 48.
- 1837 online, Sep q 1966 aged 62 Weston 7c 311.
- Ibid., Sep q 1930 Axbridge 5c 1021.
- Free BMD, Possibly Sep q 1907 Bristol 6a 46.
- 1837 online, Sep q 1935 Berkhampstead 3a 3775.
- London Census on CD or Middlesex FreeCen, 1891 (transcripts
by various), {1901}.
- Free BMD. Sep q 1900 Bristol 6a 31.
- Ibid., Dec q 1902 Bristol 6a 115.
- Sue Roberts (Warren).
- Free BMD. Croker Ernest WT Jun q 1937 to Cripps Swindon
5a 35.
- 1837 online. from death entry in Feb 1993.
- Ibid., Death in Mid Devon Feb 1993 DN 4211 RN 16D EN 051
Dor 293. DoB 11 Sep 1912.
- Ibid., fmp Mar q 1951 29 Bristol 7b 130.
- Ibid., fmp Jun q 1944 Bristol 6a 536.