Surname List
Name Index

First Generation

1. Mr James GARDINER was born about 1802 in Hackney, Middlesex.1,2 [[Birth note: see Marriage doc of son James Adolphus][1851 Census spelled as Gardner (and indexed as Gardino!) aged 49 and born in Hackney]](1841 Census has a James 55 and indexed as such on 'Ancestry': overwriting what looks like 35 (does not really look like a 3 or 5 !), as indexed on '1837 on line': as a Tanner (not Farmer?) with similar family to 1851)(query 1861 as Gardner James 59 Bricklayer born Norfolk Norwich but rest of family looks OK as Ann M 49 Ireland etc.)(IGI has a James Hughes Gardner b Norwich 1800. Parents JG and Ann Hughes) About 1851 he was a Bricklayer.3 [Occupation note: 1851 census] About 1854 he was a Bricklayer in London. [Occupation note: probably in Southwark area. See son James Adolphus Marriage doc.] He lived about 1861. He died abt Jun 1869 ? in St Olave R-d. [Death note: (Cannot find on 1871 census.) FBMD: a possible death as Gardner aged 68 Jun q 1869 St Olave 1d 41. Other nearly similar possibilities] [General note: After found supposed family on 1851 Census we looked further on IGI pages and found LDS entry for a James Gardiner born c 1809 St Olaves Southwark, with wife Ann MariE born c 1813 of St Olave, Southwark. Children Mary b 26 Aug 1835, Chr 11 Sep 1835 St Olave: John born 12 Jan 1838, Chr 7 Feb 1838 St Olave: Margaret Chr 8 Nov 1838 St Olave. Then searched for James Gardiner marriage to Ann. Found some. Possible is to Ann MariA Gronin on 7 Jul 1830 at St Matthew, Bethnal Green. SCN 0849421 Par reg. This ties in with AM name and 1851 birth place of son James.](to Pursue)(Found an FBMD ref. to a child born after 1837, Thomas Walter Gardiner and his Birth Certificate has parents JG and A M formerly Cronin. Assume correct family!!)

Mr James GARDINER and Miss Ann Maria CRONIN were married on 7 Jul 1830 in Bethnal Green.4 [Marriage note: son James born c 1833](See also General Note) Miss Ann Maria CRONIN was born about 1811 in Ireland.1,5 [[[Birth note: name from and aged 40 and born in Ireland in 1851 Census][Assume same family: see 1861 Census][We searched IGI and found various children of JG and Ann Marie G all St Olave. Looked at some marriages of a JG to an Ann but Ann Maria Gronin stood out. Found an FBMD ref. to a child born after 1837, Thomas Walter Gardiner and his Birth Certificate has parents JG and A M formerly Cronin. Assume correct family!!]]] She lived in Southwark, 27 Magdalen Court, Southwark on 27 Dec 1845.6 [Resided at note: from Birth cert of Son Thomas Walter] She lived about 1861. [Resided at note: aged 49 b Ireland] She died c Mar 1865 ? in Lewisham Rd. [Death note: (cannot find on 1871 census). FBMD has an Ann Maria Gardiner Jun q 1865 Lewisham 1d 551] [General note from James Gardiner: After found supposed family on 1851 Census we looked further on IGI pages and found LDS entry for a James Gardiner born c 1809 St Olaves Southwark, with wife Ann MariE born c 1813 of St Olave, Southwark. *** Children Mary b 26 Aug 1835, Chr 11 Sep 1835 St Olave: John born 12 Jan 1838, Chr 7 Feb 1838 St Olave: Margaret Chr 8 Nov 1838 St Olave. Then searched for James Gardiner marriage to Ann. Found some. Possible is to Ann MariA Gronin on 7 Jul 1830 at St Matthew, Bethnal Green. SCN 0849421 Par reg. This ties in with AM name and 1851 birth place of son James.](to Pursue)(Found an FBMD ref. to a child born after 1837, Thomas Walter Gardiner and his Birth Certificate has parents JG and A M formerly Cronin. Assume correct family!!) *** (UPDATE Nov 2007: query born Ireland on censuses? IGI has several of similar name born in Ireland around this time!!)(Update Mar 2008: 1881 has an Ann aged 72 a Widow and Hawker born Dublin in Greenwich work house)(1841 has Anne Gardiner aged 30 NBiC but not as born I(reland)) Mr James GARDINER and Miss Ann Maria CRONIN had the following children:



Mr James Adolphus GARDINER.



Miss Anne GARDINER was born about 1831. [Birth note: aged 10 on 1841 Census]



Miss Mary GARDINER was born about 1836 in Southwark, Surrey.7 [Birth note: aged 15 on 1851 Census]



Mr John GARDINER was born about 1838 in Southwark, Surrey.7 [Birth note: aged 13 on 1851 Census]



Miss Margarette GARDINER was born about 1840 in Southwark, Surrey.7 [[Birth note: aged 10 on 1851 Census][aged 7 m 1841? as Margarata]]



Miss Bessey ? GARDINER was born about 1843 in Southwark, Surrey.7 [Birth note: aged 8 on 1851 Census](the only ones on FBMD are: born St Olave Caroline Jun q 1842 or St Saviour Elizabeth Mary Sep q 1844) [General note: cannot find after 1851. FBMD has a few Elizabeth Gardiner deaths in the area until 1861. There is a marriage in 1893 of an Elizabeth Mary Gardiner in St Saviour]



Mr Thomas Walter GARDINER was born about 1846 in Southwark, Surrey.7,8 [[Birth note: aged 5 on 1851 Census][Walter from Certified Copy of an entry of Birth, RC ref. RCBG**, dated 8 Dec 2005, ref BCXB 4027242. (from ref on FBMD).***
RD St Olave's Southwark. 1846 S-d St Olave and St Thomas in the County of Surrey.
Col. No. 82: Twenty seventh of December 1845 at No. 27 Magdalen Court: Thomas Walter: Boy: father James Gardiner: mother Ann Maria Gardiner formerly Cronin: father occupation Bricklayer: informant The Mark of Ann Maria Gardiner Mother No. 27 Magdalen Court: on Seventh January 1846: to ? PP*** Hamer?? Registrar]](Cronin is similar to Gronin as a Marriage for parents (on IGI) in 1830)
***(UPDATE Nov 2007: I cannot read original FBMD and transcribed as Thomas William S Olaves 4 (IV) 351 but looks like 332 and Walter and S Olave: and FMP looks like 532 and poss 552!!)(I think not IV because the I is sloping top left to bottom right and looks like part of X but must be IV)



Miss Agnes GARDINER was born about 1852 in St Olave R-d, Surrey. [Birth note: aged 9 on 1861 Census](1871 ? 19 as Gardner b Rotherhithe South?)